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The SAMPE NORDIC project

The SAMPE NORDIC project seeks for the potential to have a Nordic Sampe society.

SAMPE NORDIC would be an integrated, multi/national club/chapter belonging to SAMPE EUROPE society. Compared to traditional nation/specific chapters and clubs of SAMPE, SAMPE NORDIC will unite the members of Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden into one.


SAMPE NORDIC would be a society of industrial and academic members from the fields of advanced materials and manufacturing processes. The goal is to develop the field in nordic countries through common events, meetings, and shared representation in the SAMPE EUROPE society.

National contact points


Prof. Christian Berggreen


Assoc. Prof. Mikko Kanerva

Assoc. Prof. Essi Sarlin


NCMT Representative

Prof. Sotirios Grammatikos


Prof. Kristiina Oksman
Prof. Mikael Skrifvars